Answered on: December 28, 2018


I want to hire a car on the 3rd of January until the 4th. Pick up & drop off at Centraal Station Amsterdam.


Please use the website to conduct your search, you can obtain a quotation there and make a reservation. Enter your search criteria ( dates,times,location) and click on SEARCH.


My concern is that the closest pick up location is 0.54km away. Is there nothing at Centraal Station for the 3rd? How long would it take to walk to Alamo - 0.54km away?


It just a very little walk...about 5 minutes from the Train Station. Also I see a pick up location at 0.12km, which is effectively at the Station.


Well, yes, that is very close.


Yes, I think that is the closest, I'll just check what you saw/searched. Where you see the available car results, to the top right hand side click on "SORT BY DISTANCE" .


I have also sent you 2 sample quotes by email fro cars at the Station! Click on the link contained within the email to make any adjustments you wish. One of them an Volkswagen Golf Electric.


Great!! Thank you for the information. I have received the email quotes.